名前 | 宝石の色 | 明るい色 | ベリー獲得記事 | 誕生月 |
アメジスト amethyst | #8c52ff |
2 | |
アクアマリン aquamarine | #26bde2 |
3 Other ways to save water in your daily life [aquamarine] 3 Laundry [aquamarine] 3 How water is used at home [aquamarine] |
3 |
エメラルド emerald | #3f7e44 |
2 Air conditioning [emerald] 3 Lighting [emerald] 2 refrigerator [emerald] 2 Warm water washing toilet seat, hot water supply, bath [emerald] 4 Effects of eco-driving [emerald] 3 Health benefits [emerald] 3 Choosing an eco-friendly transportation method [emerald] |
5 |
ガーネット garnet | #c5192d |
1 | |
ラピス・ラズリ lapislazuli | #19486a |
3 代替できるもの [lapislazuli] 3 Recycle(リサイクル) [lapislazuli] 4 地球温暖化に与える影響 [lapislazuli] 1プラスチックを取り巻く状況 [lapislazuli] |
12 |
モルガナイト morganite | #dd1367 |
4 | |
パール pearl | #dda63a |
3 服を資源として再活用しよう [pearl] 2 国際認証について [pearl] 1 作られ方をしっかり見よう [pearl] 3 先のことを考えて買おう [pearl] 3 焼却・埋め立てされる衣服 [pearl] 2 大量廃棄問題 [pearl] 1 ファッションと環境負荷 [pearl] |
6 |
ペリドット peridot | #56c02b |
8 | |
ルビー ruby | #a21942 |
3 To use an AED in an emergency [ruby] 1 What is an AED? [ruby] 3 Things you can do to prevent diabetes [ruby] 3 What you can do to prevent dementia [ruby] 2 What can be done for early detection and prevention [ruby] 3 How to improve sleep quality? [ruby] 2 Steps on how to use an AED [ruby] 4 Heatstroke [ruby] |
7 |
サファイア sapphire | #00689d |
9 | |
トパーズ topaz | #bf8b2e |
11 | |
トルマリン tourmaline | #4c9f38 |
10 |
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