Do you know about the air conditioning system at KDX Toyosu Grand Square?

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Do you know about KDX Toyosu Grand Square's energy conservation efforts?
KDX Toyosu Grand Square has been designed with various ideas to create an office that is friendly to workers and the environment.
Energy saving systems related to air conditioning include an outside air cooling system, a cool tube system, an ice heat storage system, and heat load reduction through rooftop greening.
outside air cooling system
The outside air cooling system is a system that aims to reduce the indoor cooling load by bringing in outside air directly from near the top lights. By reducing the amount of wasteful heat source generated, it contributes to reducing C02 emissions.
cool tube system
The Cool Tube System is a system that uses geothermal heat to cool and heat the first floor atrium floor by flowing circulating water and outside air (OA) through underground pipes. Because it uses geothermal heat to generate a cold source, it reduces the cost of generating heat sources.
Ice thermal storage system
The ice thermal storage system is a base system for building air conditioning that uses cheap late-night electricity to create a cold heat source, reducing contract power costs by reducing power consumption.
rooftop greening
The building's heat load and heat island formation are reduced through rooftop and surrounding greening.
KDX Toyosu Grand Square's power consumption in 2020 was 13,253,688 kWh. The average power consumption per day is 36,311 kWh .
We appreciate your continued cooperation in saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions.

Do you know about the air conditioning system at KDX Toyosu Grand Square?
Do you know about KDX Toyosu Grand Square's energy conservation efforts?
KDX Toyosu Grand Square has been designed with various ideas to create an office that is friendly to workers and the environment.
Energy saving systems related to air conditioning include an outside air cooling system, a cool tube system, an ice heat storage system, and heat load reduction through rooftop greening.
outside air cooling system
The outside air cooling system is a system that aims to reduce the indoor cooling load by bringing in outside air directly from near the top lights. By reducing the amount of wasteful heat source generated, it contributes to reducing C02 emissions.
cool tube system
The Cool Tube System is a system that uses geothermal heat to cool and heat the first floor atrium floor by flowing circulating water and outside air (OA) through underground pipes. Because it uses geothermal heat to generate a cold source, it reduces the cost of generating heat sources.
Ice thermal storage system
The ice thermal storage system is a base system for building air conditioning that uses cheap late-night electricity to create a cold heat source, reducing contract power costs by reducing power consumption.
rooftop greening
The building's heat load and heat island formation are reduced through rooftop and surrounding greening.
KDX Toyosu Grand Square's power consumption in 2020 was 13,253,688 kWh. The average power consumption per day is 36,311 kWh .
We appreciate your continued cooperation in saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions.
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