KDX Toyosu Grand Square power consumption

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Power consumption and CO2 emissions
KDX Toyosu Grand Square's power consumption in 2020 was 13,253,688kwh.
Additionally, CO2 emissions from electricity and gas consumed by KDX Toyosu Grand Square amounted to 6,400 tons in fiscal 2020.
The emissions from driving an average car are equivalent to driving approximately 700 laps around the earth.
In 2021, electricity and CO2 consumption are expected to be higher than in 2020.
We would appreciate your interest and support in our building's energy saving activities.
Annual CO2 emissions per 1 m2 of KDX Toyosu Grand Square
100.9 kgCO2/㎡ (2020)
102.5 kgCO2/㎡ (2019)

KDX Toyosu Grand Square power consumption
Power consumption and CO2 emissions
KDX Toyosu Grand Square's power consumption in 2020 was 13,253,688kwh.
Additionally, CO2 emissions from electricity and gas consumed by KDX Toyosu Grand Square amounted to 6,400 tons in fiscal 2020.
The emissions from driving an average car are equivalent to driving approximately 700 laps around the earth.
In 2021, electricity and CO2 consumption are expected to be higher than in 2020.
We would appreciate your interest and support in our building's energy saving activities.
Annual CO2 emissions per 1 m2 of KDX Toyosu Grand Square
100.9 kgCO2/㎡ (2020)
102.5 kgCO2/㎡ (2019)
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